Mytho StVictor
Photo Journal Project
April 26, 2015
Pic 1 |
Pic 2 |
On a surprise trip home I had to make last week a saying that I had heard all my life, had finally made sense to me. Growing up we were always taught to not judge things that we do not know all angles and sides of the story too, for a slight change in perception could greatly alter the whole conception. What taught me this life story was two things; the first being a visit I made to the eye doctor, and the second was a set of photographs that I took. Before I booked an appointment to the eye doctor I was so sure that I had great vision and the perfect view on life, but boy was I wrong. One visit and a pair of contacts later and I felt like my whole world was different; these contacts made everything that was once blurry and obscure to me very clear and detailed. Everything around me seemed new because of the way that I was now capable of viewing and examining objects and people . In that similar fashion, a set of photos taken had the same effect. Before I took pictures for my Photo Journal Project I wanted to review the Cameras and Composition slides that I previously went over in my Integrated Media Production class, and I decided to apply some of these discussed in them to see the effect that they would have on an image and its overall perception.
"Pic 1" was the first picture captured with none of the techniques applied. It is a pretty clear picture, but it is busy with a lot of things to distract you and dive your attention. And "Pic 2" is the photo makes better use of the light, causing for a more saturated picture, and brighter colors. It is also a bit more clear although the angles and not much of anything else was changed.
Pic 3 |
But there is a feel of more depth, the defined lines of the palm trees show you far away the pool really is. If you look at "pic 3" it has a much darker tone. It blurs most of the background forcing you to focus more on the foreground. The ISO numbers of this photo is higher which made it more sensitive to light adding a good amount of noise to the picture.
Pic 4 |
And the last one, "Pic 4" had a black and white filter applied while taking the picture. This gives the picture a very flat feel blending the lines, allowing for there to seem like there is no depth. Each of these four pictures were taken from the same very spot but they all have a different look or feel. A complete different vibe, identical to my life with contacts. A slight change in perspective makes a huge change to not only pictures as displayed here, but any situation in life as well.
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