Danny Mora Howard
Photojournalism Story
Neither dating or earning a college education should be considered easy.
But if young adults are trying to attempt both, they'll be surprised to learn that dating is not a serious priority for the majority of their peers.
Eleven students at Valencia College were randomly selected to participate in a four question survey that specifically targeted the reasoning and beliefs behind why students are less focused on intimate relationships when they are attending college.
The four questions in order are listed below:
- When planning to go to college was dating ever part of the thinking process?
- Did you ever think dating would get in the way of your school work?
- Can dating and school work be balanced?
- Would you choose your education first or make dating the priority if you couldn’t pick both?
The answers that were given to the first question resulted in a close match with six in favor of dating being on their minds while there were five against dating being a subject on their plates while planning to attend their first semester of Valencia.
Surprisingly this was also the same estimate for the second question. Six agreed that dating would get in the way of their school work but five students did not believe it would cause them issues.
Ashley Flores, 19, said concerning question two: “No, as long as you have time management.”
Reine Altidor also supported by saying: "No, dating is a part of life.”
Question three had an overwhelmingly positive result with 10 out of the 11 students agreeing that dating and their educational pursuits can be balanced.
Willie Steadman was cautious about the kind of balance needed in order for a successful experience in both fields: “Depends. If both people have the same degree of preparation, then it can work out.”
Esteban Eizarro, 19, specifically claimed the answer is in the relationship itself: “Yes, if you have a relationship that prioritizes school work.” Esteban, currently in a relationship himself, also stated that dating has not gotten in his way during his second semester at Valencia College.
Whether these eleven students would decide on one over the other, it finally came down to nine choosing to focus solely on their education while the other two would make their relationship the absolute first priority if they could not pick both.
When answering the fourth question, Jason Shirk spoke for the minority when he said: “A relationship because it has more value than education.”
Students have a massive amount of priorities to handle other than their education and dating experiences. The time spent in college should be focused on what is the most important in their lives.
Whether that is a dating relationship or their education, one thing is for certain, it all comes down to the individual preference of young adults.
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