Friday, May 1, 2015

Prom Do-Over Valencia Style

Danny Mora Howard
Campus Story
May 1st, 2015

Going to Prom is considered a once in a lifetime opportunity to take advantage of and enjoy. But what if you could experience it all over again?

Kimberly Caldwell, the SGA Treasurer for Valencia's West campus, sat down with me for an exclusive interview prior to the Take Back Your Prom event that was heavily promoted around the West campus. 

I was quite fascinated by the idea of students having another shot of dancing the night away even while being in college. Prom has always been a high school event that is especially considered a right of passage that each generation can experience. 

When I thought about going to Prom, I knew it would be fine even if I didn't attend the dance because it's not like there aren't going to ever be anymore dances in the future. 

But then I pondered the thought of whether or not I would regret not attending Prom during my own Senior Year. I made the decision that I should absolutely go to the dance and have a great time not just because it's a right of passage, but also because I know I would have a fun time. 

It was an unforgettable experience to attend my Senior Prom and thankfully, Kimberly Caldwell arranged for the Take Back Your Prom dance for Valencia students to enjoy another chance at attending a Prom dance. 
I'm happy for the students who missed out the first time and were able to take advantage of this opportunity presented by Valencia College. 

I was sick with the flu when Take Back Your Prom happened, so I'm also thankful I attended Prom the first time while in high school. 

Below is our full interview between Kim and myself. 

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